Emotions, Morality and facing our own Mortality.

I’ve always encouraged my students to express their emotions openly. Emotions are involved in our moral decisions. Our brains are actually hardwired for morality. Research in neuroscience shows that ancient synapses within the brain light up intuitively when we make moral decisions. These studies have typically used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other neuroimagingContinue reading “Emotions, Morality and facing our own Mortality.”

Diffusion of Responsibility

It is completely understandable to feel completely helpless and overwhelmed when dealing with such a great humanitarian crisis as the war inĀ #Gaza. UN says Gaza becoming a graveyard for children with more than 10,000 people killed. Diffusion of responsibility is a hell of a sociopsychological phenomenon. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, itContinue reading “Diffusion of Responsibility”